

week 1 & 2

The exhibition can be visited from the 5th to the 27th of July at Fábrica da Cerveja.

18h00 – 22h00 | Wednesday and Thursday
18h00 – 00h00 | Friday
16h00 – 00h00 | Saturday
Closed at Monday, Tuesday and Sunday.


18h00 - Opening

18h15 - Skate demo by Wallride

18h30 - Performance | "Uma espécie de mar" by Nicole Lissy (Amarelarte,as part of the Açoteia Festival)

19h30 - Performance | "Rasto" by nia Pais (with the support of CAU - Cortém Aldeia Urbana) | 3rd Floor

21h00 - Performance | "Breath of a stone" by Ana Paxeco & Elisabetta Antonucci (as part of The Big Green project) | 3rd Floor


18h00 - Live Painting Sen & Static Drama

18h15 - Skate performance by Wallride

18h30 - Performance | "Uma espécie de mar" by Nicole Lissy (Amarelarte,as part of the Açoteia Festival)

21h00 - Performance "Breath of a stone" by Ana Paxeco & Elisabetta Antonucci (as part of The Big Green project) | 3rd Floor



WEEK 3 & 4


18h00 - Blue Drink "#Art #Conservation #Education" a conversation with Pitanga and Vasco Guia de Abreu from Sciaena.

18h15 - Skate demo by Wallride

18h30 - 22h00 - Julia (DJ set)

22h00 - 00h00 - Micah (DJ set)


10h00 - 12h00 - Animation workshop for children "Animar o mar" with Catarina Calvinho Gil (Animagoria) at Fábrica da Cerveja | M/6 | 5€ | Portuguese

10h00 - 18h00 - Creative writing workshop "Oceano de histórias" with Joana Bértholo and Ana Matias | M/15 | 5€ | Portuguese

15h00 - 17h00 - Linogravure workshop "Imprimindo o mundo marinho" with Joana Rosa Bragança at Fábrica da Cerveja | M/15 | 45€ | Portuguese

17h00 - 20h00 - Grand Master Dre

18h00 - 20h00 - Weaving workshop "Uma espécie de mar" with Nicole Lissy (Amarelarte) at Fábrica da Cerveja | M/6 | 5€ | Portuguese

18h00 - Blue Drink "No fundo, arte" a conversation with Dona Edite, Sciaena and invited artists.

18h15 - Skate demo with Wallride

20h00 - 21h00 - Live Sesh/Open Mic

21h00 - 23h00 - Grand Master Dre

23h30 - 00h30 - Live Act

00h30 - 02h00 - Grand Master Dre + Hypemen

Note: limited availability; all workshops are subject to registration


11h00 - 14h00 - Cooking workshop “Head, heart and estomach / 3-step lunch to avoid food waste” with Vasco Prudêncio d’A Venda at A Venda restaurant | M/18 | 20€

Note: limited availability; all workshops are subject to registration


18h00 - 00h00 - Artists & Fleas Market by Môçes

B a c k T o T o p B a c k T o T o p