the big green


the big green

The Big Green brings together European associations and organizations to create, promote and experiment with different innovative ways of using art to promote sustainability. This project is co-funded by the European Union and its consortium is highly diverse, from cultural organizations to environmental associations, universities and theaters.

Sciaena is one of the partners of this consortium, bringing its experience in environmental awareness and knowledge in crucial and urgent issues which the ocean and our society face. Mar Motto – Sciaena’s annual artistic festival on ocean-related environmental awareness – was selected as one of the four festivals which will serve as a showcase for the work being done under The Big Green.

Some of the priority work lines of the project are as follows:

Positive Utopias: We urge artists to create forward-looking, positive narratives which expand our imagination and our concept of what is possible. They should draw attention to the opportunities in switching to more sustainable ways of living, rather than focusing exclusively on the threats of climate change.

Artivism: Using art as a tool for fostering social change & disseminating critical information about the ecology and the climate.

Ecological learning: Using art as a method of learning about the environment. For many, art might also provide more sustainable ways of learning than what traditional curricula offer.

Natural heritage interpretation: Reinterpreting what role our environment plays in our individual and collective identities, our relationship with nature, our responsibility towards it, what we inherited and what heritage we pass on to the next generations.

Research: Measure and analyse how art can contribute to behavioural changes related to social-ecological transformation.

Policy & framework building: Sharing best practices, providing guidelines on how artists and scientists can best work together, building a facilitative policy environment to better exploit the potentials of the sector in promoting sustainability.

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